Recently Completed Filings

This tab provides a quick point of reference for all the filings submitted by you, or your proxies, within the past 15 days.

For each filing displayed, the Document(s) column shows the documents that you submitted to the court. Each is represented by a separate Document icon Document icon. Hover your mouse pointer over an icon to view the corresponding document's name. Clicking an icon displays a PDF version of the document.

Clicking on the View icon View icon opens the corresponding filing in a read-only (non-editable) version of the PACFile wizard. This function is for informational purposes only.

A Summary Report can also be generated for any filing which summarizes the information recorded through the PACFile wizard at the time it was submitted. To run this report, click the checkbox that appears to the left of one or more of the filings and click the Summary Report icon Summary Report icon.